verbal croquis

eva fortune (2003-2004)

the fairy dress

These photos are from the year I worked at the now defunct Eva Fortune, Inc. The above photo is of the (in)famous fairy print, the one that still gets knocked off, the very first project I ever did for that company. The following pictures are of my work. All of these clothes were designed by my creative director and myself together. The fairy print and all the graphics for embroideries, appliques and screenprints were done by myself. My creative director loved girly, pretty, playful clothes, as you can see. (In the interest of not making it even easier for the fairy print to be knocked off, I have not included a photo of the print laid out flat.)
























12 Responses to 'eva fortune (2003-2004)'

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  1. cute stuff! I love the little illustration at the end. Where can I see more illustration?

  2. I’ll be posting more of my work soon. Thanks!

  3. Melakai said,

    great pieces would like to know what are you planning to do?

    create more or move on to something else?

  4. Alia said,

    I have been looking to buy the cordelia halter since I saw it on a woman in LA 2 years ago. I have searched EVERYWHERE! Are any still available and where can I find one?

  5. I’m sorry–Eva Fortune has been out of business for 2 years now and all of our inventory is long gone.

  6. Eva Mendes said,


    Interesting post. I came across this blog by accident, but it was a good accident. I have now bookmarked your blog for future use. Best wishes. Eva Mendes.

  7. Alan said,

    Really nice pictures!!! Keep up the good work!

  8. Lika said,

    I worked at Eva Fortune years ago. Loved the clothes then, love the newer stuff, and crushed that she had to close her store. Hope Z.H. is still working and good luck in the future.

  9. Eva Fortún said,

    hi! I´m a girl from Spain and I´m called Eva Fortún ist really corious the name of the factory (or the thing that it is called like me!).haha^ ^.bye

  10. greenrush73 said,

    Hi I love Eva clothes, and I would like to buy some of Eva clothing but I do known where

  11. Zanne said,

    What’s up, hooker?? cool blog. I googled EF today so that I could show this consignment lady pic’s of the clothes (I want to get rid of the boxes in my mom’s attic so that I can use that space to store the other junk I continue to collect). Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to come across your blog- very impressed, by the way – and thought I would say hi and see what you are up to. I don’t know how you keep up with all of this shit. I’d last about 15 mins before I redirected myself to ebay. So I hope all is well, and now you have my email -so hit me up, lady.
    xoxox, Zanne
    PS- If anyone such as greenrush73 wants so EF clothes, I still have some stuff in boxes…in the attic…
    PSS- I’m fat

    • Heidi Norway said,

      Hi Zanna,
      I miss you, im telling my boyfreind about you and wanted to show him EF. We are going to Miami 15th of december, would be so much fun if you met us there.


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