verbal croquis

work, sleep, rinse, repeat

Posted in company talk,home life by verbalcroquis on November 29, 2007

I know I’ve been gone for a long time–I missed my blog birthday and everything.  VC is officially 2 years old.

I haven’t been posting because there’s not much to say.  Here’s my daily schedule:

7:30amish: wake up  and go to non-fashion day job

3:00pmish: arrive home and eat lunch, take care of clerical crap/bills/random chores, take nap

evening hours (depending on how long the above took):  work on my line (currently working on patterns), eat dinner, spend a little time with the husband, sometimes run errands
2:00amish: sleep

Pretty boring, unless you’re me.  I love my life.  On a good day, I can get eight solid uninterrupted hours of work on my line.  Those days, my head hits the pillow and I’m out like a light with a doofy grin on my face.  I occasionally socialize too.  My party hours are limited so I seriously milk it.  Sometimes I come home from a party around 2am on the weekend and stay up another couple of hours working.  It makes me happy.

How’re you?

i rock, yes i do

Posted in company talk by verbalcroquis on September 12, 2007


A billion (or as my dear Cheeky likes to say, fortyleventeen) hours of designing, editing, redesigning, re-editing, and and and, I have a ginormous (patchwork) poster made of marking paper w/ charcoal sketches of my line pinned to my wall next to my even more ginormous pattern table. Yeah, I know the designs will evolve during sample development, but for now, the framework is set.  First muslins start tomorrow. Or, maybe I’ll take a day off. Or finally mail out the seller’s permit form that’s been sitting on my desk.

what i’ve been up to

Posted in company talk by verbalcroquis on August 8, 2007

–received work table today! woohoo! it’s a big 6’x8′ monstrosity and I love it.  I can’t wait until I get it assembled.

–after two days of research, I’ve finally narrowed down some choices for proper floor matting and rugs.  Mostly I wanted a really good one to put under my sewing machine (to buffer/absorb noise and vibration) so that my downstairs neighbors don’t hate me.  Ordered samples.  Fashion is so glamorous.

–fought bitterly with an online company over some stuff. Gah! I’ve been doing a lot of shopping for equipment/furniture/supplies lately and I will post some vendors’ review when I’ve bought/received everything.  So far, there’s been some love, some hate, and a lot of cigarettes.  All this buying requires research, so I’ve been online A LOT.  If it wasn’t for Harry Potter, I wouldn’t be able to tell when I’ve last read something not on a screen.

–been fixing up the new place.  Cleaning, buying stuff, thinking about decorating.  The husband’s been pestering me (for years, actually) to draw “some sexy cool fashion stuff” for the walls.  I feel kinda weird about putting my own drawings up on the walls.  Isn’t that strange, that I’m ok showcasing my goods everywhere except in my own house?  *shrug*  Well, it’s been 3 years of pestering, so I figure I should just go ahead and do it.

a lit cigarette always brings the bus

Posted in company talk by verbalcroquis on March 7, 2007

All sorts of interesting job openings have been emailed my way the past 3 days, including one fairly tempting ad for a design director with 5+ years experience (that’s me!).  Five interesting job leads in 3 days while I couldn’t find any for 3 months!  Fuck!  Excuse me.

Whatever.  Moving on.

To do list:  order some books, plan trip to the L.A. International Textile Show next month, call Kathleen and ask her if I’ve lost my mind, clean workspace, find regular part time job.

Have I mentioned I love my husband?  Starting tomorrow, y’all can start emailing me at zoe at zoehong dot com!