verbal croquis

some rambles

Posted in general by verbalcroquis on March 30, 2006

I tried to participate in last week’s Carnivale, but I couldn’t think of any fashion or wearable purchase that made any sort of significant impact on me. I’m a different sort of fashion blogger and my relationship with fashion design and wearables is different. I don’t blog about fashion because I love clothes or accessories. I blog because I think that there’s a real absence in the media about what it’s really like to be a designer—not one of the crazy famous people, but a real, everyday, down to earth designer who’s trying her best to reach her ambitions. Sure, fashion is about fantasy—and I’m sure that’s why the myth of the designer still exists, but I’m here to kind of burst that bubble.

Back to last week’s Carnivale. I love my kimonos, but their purchases weren’t that special. Probably the most significant fashion acquisition was the purchase of my portfolio book, from the $125 one of my design teachers gave me. It really touched me that he thought my designs deserved a better format than the $30 plastic book I could afford at the time.

The most meaningful objects to me are my mother’s jewelry. Pretty much everything is replaceable except theses pieces. She passed away when I was 13. My father split up my mother’s jewelry between us kids. None of it was very expensive—doesn’t really matter. Among other things, I got her engagement ring—a cheap little number with the settings so loose one of the diamond dust particles is missing. I love it. It was the first “real” gift my dad gave her. I can’t wear it because I’m too afraid something will happen to it–like my own clumsiness. 

Then, there’s my car. I love it because it symbolizes mobility and financial independence. I bought that baby on my own accord, got a loan with my own credit, with no co-signer, when I was still in college.

So what am I trying to say? Basically, I’m done being sick, I’m getting my butt in gear about blogging and I’ve taken a 5-day hiatus from working on any side projects and it’s time to get going on the next thing! Next project: something I haven’t done in a really long time—a project completely uninfluenced by outside design direction, or molding a customer or any of that marketing stuff. I already do that at work. The only things I’m going to think about are basic price points and construction. Other than that, sky’s the limit. We shall see…

p.s. Okay, I lied about the 5-day hiatus. I actually started thinking about this new project as I was wrapping up “sparkle”. And I’ve been making some lists. Hello, my name is Zoë and I am a design addict.

2 Responses to 'some rambles'

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  1. Lol B said,

    Reading your blog is a great insight into the life of a real designer, you tell it like it is warts and all.

    I was really thrilled that you shared your latest design project with us , I really enjoyed studying all your designs and flats along with your inspiration and mood boards. Your rendering has a very unique style and I love that you are being so open and generous with your intellectual property.

    There are so many prima donna designers thinking that If they reveal their work they will be ripped off by some copy cat, It shows that you have confidence and faith in your own abilities.

    I have the feeling that there is a really flamboyant, theatrical side to you maybe?, I imagine that you’d be a fabulous costume designer. I could definitely see you working in the movies, is this something you’ve ever considered? You seem to have a lot of knowledge in this area, I recall your recent post about old Hollywood movies which I really enjoyed.

    One question about your technical drawings, do you use a template to get your proportions right or do you do it by eye? I struggle with my tech drawings, I get really bored doing them, but I know how important it is to present them well.

    I really love the pants especially, they’ve a flattering cut, great pockets and the fabrics pretty unique too. Do you get wholesale prices on all your fabrics as your working in the trade?

    Thanks for posting this stuff, It’s very well received, give us more I say! It’s helping me understand the design process, and interesting to see how others designers process their initial inspirations into workable design

    Good stuff !!

  2. Thanks for you comments, Lol. I guess I don’t really mind posting my work because a. I want to hear feedback and b. I have no delusions of grandeur.

    Yes, I definitely have a theatrical side. I should post my Bob Mackie stuff soon. And I love costume design—my very first internship was at the design department of an operahouse! I don’t know if I’d do movies—it would have to depend on the movie. It’s so much about wardrobe these days, as opposed to actually designing something. That’s probably why I fell in love with the old movies—hundreds and hundreds of intricate, exquisite costumes were made for the extras for Marie Antoinette—just as perfect as the costumes made for the title role.

    I definitely use a template for flats. My template is perfectly symmetrical and has lines drawn in for bust, waist, high hip, low hip, etc. Flats should be as straightforward as possible—you can leave your creativity and craziness for your illustrations. But yeah, they’re really boring.

    No, I don’t get wholesale prices for my personal projects. I do not use my connections with vendors for any purposes other than burying product for the company I work for. I, personally, do not have a resale number, nor am I a wholesaler myself. It hurts me to pay retail prices sometimes, considering I know the base wholesale prices for everything, but I think it’s the right thing to do.

    Seriously, I have the best readers—y’all always leave me so much food for thought and keep me on my toes.

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