verbal croquis


Posted in events by verbalcroquis on May 17, 2006

…I won.  I'm crazy overwhelmed.  I want to thank every single one of my readers for your support.

Details later.  Afterparty calls.  I have officially adopted Phil of Millionaire Socialite as my baby brother, Danielle is awesome and so cute, Julie is my Squirrel Action PR maven.   

28 Responses to 'um…'

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  1. henri-v said,

    Fricking fantastic, Zoe! Well done, welll done!!!!!

    I’m so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What does this mean for you???

  2. coolchiq said,

    Wow, well done Zoe!!! You deserve this!!

  3. Imagemuse said,

    Congrats, you are an outstanding creative talent and now its official!

  4. Lol B said,

    wow ! Very impressive!
    Can’t wait to see what you do next ! You really are a dynamo!
    You really deserve this, BRAVO Zoe!

  5. mynx said,

    imagine me on a trampoline yelling for joy.

    this is no surprise to me (obviously), but it’s just so good to see you recognized for your genius.

  6. […] “Genius does what it must”, eh Pez? […]

  7. Abby said,

    Oh wow! HUGE congratulations to you, Zoe. ๐Ÿ˜€

    That’s so cool!

  8. Tammy said,

    Wow, congrats! The minute I read that you turned down Barbie for something even better, I knew that this was the start of something big. and I know this sounds gushy but I think its really awesome that you have this blog and are able to share your journey with everyone.

  9. Wendy said,

    Brava! Brava!!! Brava, Zoe!!!!!!

  10. Jason said,


  11. Smoooochie said,

    congrats, chica! this is really no surprise, but again something that is well deserved and earned. WooT! Go Zoe!!!

  12. Ada said,

    Congratulations, it was nice meeting you! I really wished i could have seen all of your designs on the runway, such flare. And thanks for the invite to the Party…. I’ll try to make it… yes yes “RSVP or no booze” ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Sara Noemi said,

    Oh man, congrats! Must’ve been a great moment for you and you definitely deserve it.

  14. Andrea said,


  15. Susanna said,

    This is such wonderful news! Many, many congratulations for the big win. We can all say we knew you when…

    And so wonderful of you to share it with us.

  16. muunkie said,

    good GAWD that’s fantastic!

  17. Rebecca said,

    That makes me happy! Congratulations!

  18. annie said,


  19. Liz said,

    Congratulations! Fantastic news! I’m so excited for you!

  20. Nadine said,

    Actually read the result first on Danielle’s blog. First reaction: ‘Of course she did.’ Second reaction ‘Yay!’

    Well done you.

  21. Linmayu said,

    Congratulations on winning the competition! You don’t know me but I’ve recently started following your blog and I think your work is spectacular. ๐Ÿ˜€

  22. GLORY HALLELUJAH!!! From now on I’m drinkin’ Perrier.

    Everyone at Shangri Law is beaming with pride and happiness for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Zoe, that’s just wonderful!

    But…call me a pig but I’m still waiting for the big news…a fashion contest is one thing but citizenship is forever. How did your INS interview go? That’s the news I’m waiting to hear. I just couldn’t be more honored to welcome you as a citizen of this nation. I’m gratified you decided to join us and I await that news with bated breath.

    I’d even be tempted to attend your naturalization ceremony (I’m a big sucker for those) but I’d probably just cry a lot and make a big mess. I hope you’ll blog and share winning that contest with us too.

    Sorry, I know you have a lot on your plate. Hopefully you can blog some of it on FI. Congratulations on winning at GenArt!

  24. Karen C. said,

    Wow for you, Zoe. Love to see California designers setting the pace for everyone! AND becoming a citizen. That’s major. Hope to hook up with you in the City soon. Are you going to do the SF Fashion shows in August? I think I might, if I get a sponsor.

  25. kyungmi said,


  26. Terence said,

    Dear Zoe,

    Last year, same competition I was in final 5 but not the winner and what an coincidence during the time I got my Green Card..))

    I am so happy for you, you made it this year and the citizenship, a big salute!


  27. Frisbee Girl said,

    Rawk. Congratulations, lady!

  28. […] pleased to announce that Zoe Hong -our coblogger here better known as Verbal Croquis– has won the “Bubbling Under” award sponsored by Perrier at the GenArt Fashion […]

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